What guys really want


Not sure if the link will work, but to summarize, essentially a guy posted a video where he's visiting Japan and this woman who I'm assuming is a waitress his showing him a lot of interest. He just seems like your average guy whose a bit goofy.

Anyway, what prompted me to make this post was in the comments someone said "this is what guys really want" and it sparks controversial responses for some reason. Like someone saying that apparently men don't want an equal. But this was Japan, not some 3rd world country. These women don't have any incentive to feign interest in a foreigner. Their survival doesn't depend on it.

What I think the commenter meant is that men want a woman who shows genuine interest and desire from the start. Somehow, in the US it's become normalized for dates to almost be like job interviews where men have to perform like circus monkeys or present some utility like a high earning career in order to try and "earn" some level of attraction or interest. And sometimes these women are sleeping with other men besides the guy taking them out on dates, and claim this somehow doesn't correlate to a lack of attraction towards the guy whining and dining them.

There were multiple people in the comments saying this is why military men marry outside the US and some were even the children of those marriages. Women on PPD like to claim that female attraction isn't immediate like that, but then how does that explain the numerous men who report getting immediate attraction from women overseas who even ask them out first in 1st world countries like Japan or SK? Make that make sense? I think Western women have normalized settling and Western men have grown to just accept this lukewarm attraction until they go outside the local bubble and experience actual visceral attraction from a woman. After that, they can never go back.

Thus the growth of Passport bros, which really isn't anything new since military men and expats have been doing this for generations. It's only become more mainstream with the rise of remote work and people sharing there experiences over social media. CMV.

TL;DR: Guys want genuine initial attraction and clear interest. Something your average guy rarely gets in the States.

EDIT: To those who keep saying it's cause she's a waitress trying to make money, they don't tip in Japan. So sitting down and flirting with a guy wouldn't have made her any more money. There was nothing to gain from her doing all that.

EDIT 2: To those who claim it's staged, are all the military men in the comments saying they experienced the same thing from overseas also staged? What about the men who are saying they met their wives overseas or the ones who are saying their parents met in a similar way? The funny thing is, I have yet to come across anyone denying this lack of desire. In fact, a few women in the comments admitted to the lack of initial interest and desire but try to excuse or justify it. Does no woman here see an issue with this blatant lack of attraction towards your average Western guy? Can we focus on that for a moment? How can that in any way be a good thing regardless of what you think of foreign women?