Highly promiscuous societies are often good for Low SMV men
In my community, polyamory is so common that only being able to do monogamy is a significant disadvantage when looking for a life partner.
A year ago, I was undatable because of some mental health issues. A dear friend with a Chad harem convinced me to be friends with benefits. I wasn’t even good at sex generally, but I had a niche talent and he was getting the rest satisfied elsewhere. Because of this beautifully warm and caring dynamic, I learned enough dating skills and healed from my trauma enough that I finally started dating again a few months ago. It was a mentorship.
Now I have a lot of different men to choose from, and I’ve found that I’m considering ones that I wouldn’t if they were monogamous. If they have some flaw or incompatibility that would be a dealbreaker otherwise, I can just get that need satisfied with someone else.
Ethical Non-monogamy relationships often follow these two patterns. My community has very high rates of autism, so the kind of men that are disproportionately drawn to the red pill are often the beneficiaries in both patterns. In our community, socially inept, conventionally unattractive men often aren’t shut out of the dating market or stuck with very few options as they are monogamous communities. They just become the partners of women who are also seeing other men. Even if they are not primary partner material at first, they are not stuck in secondary partner roles for long if they don’t want to be because they learn dating skills with the practice they are denied in other circles.
This lifestyle has pros and cons, and sometimes the cons fall disproportionately on low SMV men, but it seems like this is a benefit that the red pill isn’t aware of.