Would you get insulted by this joke? quick vent before I blow a brain fuse

Hola hola! So hoy mi esposo y yo tuvimos una llamada con su familia que estan celebrando Xmas juntos. For context my husband is white anglo guy. My husband told them we spent last night at his inlaws (my parents) and we had a Puerto Rcian Christmas. One of his relatives said to him " did you get robbed? " and also Did they carried their knives? OUCH Then his wife said it was just a joke because he likes Westside story.. Am I wrong here for getting offended? I do not appreciate it and do not find it funny. BTW he is a right-wing republican and always kind of uncaring when he talks.

Please give me your two cents. My husband is telling me to calm down because it is not such a big deal and that he is tired I get upset over insults of people that are not really in our lives. We rarely see them as they live thousands of miles away.