Free reading on karmic influences & soul purpose - birth details needed
[reposting without a link since that violated sub rules]
Hi all. I've developed an astro-tarot reading designed to provide insight on:
- Karmic influences from past lives affecting you now
- How these are showing up in this lifetime, i.e., recurring patterns/themes you might observe and have to work through
- Your soul purpose i.e., what will bring you most fulfilment in this life & help negate past karmic influences
- The work you need to do right now (practically)
I will need your birth details for this (birth date, time, city/location). I don't need your name. You can either comment these down below, or DM me.
These are in-depth readings, so please be patient. I entirely intend to move through each one. Please upvote this comment to help me reach more people - I appreciate it. Thank you!
EDIT: I've received over 150 submissions - thank you so much! Each reading takes me about 30-40 minutes, so as you can imagine it might take a few days for you to hear back from me. But like I said, you definitely will. Thanks again.