rejection ticket

hi there .

I tried skimming the group for the auto support people links but none of them work or they don’t take me to the correct page . trying to find how/where I submit a ticket to dispute a rejection . I took a survey maybe two-three weeks ago ? and they stated I failed the attention checks . I’m very thorough so I asked which ones and they replied a link to my actual survey answers . I missed one of three but it was advertised as a 14 min survey and it took me 16 minutes . I cited the prolific guidelines about anything longer than 5 minutes but the researcher always takes over a week to respond and isn’t working with me much . just want to be prepared should I need to dispute .

thank you /:

ETA : happy to report I was paid my $2.50 owed lol . I’m not sure if prolific support did it , or if it was the researcher but I’m very happy I not longer have a rejection (: