How to minimize endless partial credit arguments
I am teaching an upper level stem class where exams consist problems with long calculations. While I use a rubric to grade these exams, it is hard to anticipate every possible mistake a student can make and I sometimes need to make subjective decisions such as "do I deduct 1 point or 2 points for this error?". Last semester I had a student who made my life miserable by bombarding me with LONG emails nickel-and-diming me about partial credit (e.g. why he deserves at least 6/10 instead 4/10 for his incorrect solution). Since this was the first time I was teaching this class I had not set deadlines for grade disputes and so he REALLY revved up his grade grubbing near the end of the semester bringing up homework assignments from the first week!
Anyway I want to "bullet-proof" my syllabus this time and was wondering what strategies or syllabus language you all use to minimize these. I will for sure have a 48-hour grade dispute window this time!