Would you go after this student?
In 2022 I taught a class online. I spent HOURS creating original exam questions and problems that cannot be found online. After that semester I have been teaching and testing in-class.
I recently found out that (surprise, surprise!) ALL my questions from the 2022 course are on Chegg. Apparently you can take pictures of the exam questions from your screen and post the image on Chegg, and Chegg automatically transcribes it into text (completely defeating lockdown browser!). The student who did this (or one of them) also copied the question number of each question - as a result I could find out who it was (since it was only them that had the questions in that particular order). They did wisen up on future exams and copied without the question number.
Edited to Add: Just to clarify, the student posted the questions to Chegg during the exam, as confirmed by the time-stamps obtained from Chegg (unfortunately that is all that Chegg provides in response to investigations). So they definitely cheated their way through that exam and presumably all my other exams too.
The student in question is still enrolled and will graduate next year. I do remember them very well even though it was a large section - they were very respectful and seemed to be hardworking and I was quite surpised it was them that cheated (trying to avoid pronouns to keep things vague).
My question is would you go after this student now (ETA I mean report this student)? I don't plan on having online exams ever again, and I got Chegg to remove those questions, so I'm not sure there is any point to this other than punishing the student. What would you do?