What AI features have actually impressed you?

Like many of you have mentioned here, I'm getting top-down pressure to "add AI" without much engagement with "what user/buyer problems are you trying to solve by adding AI?" If we're being honest, it seems like the problems they're trying to solve are "we think this will help attract investors and impress unsophisticated buyers"

When I try to solicit ideas from the same people making the demands, it tends to be uncompelling things like "expand bullet points into paragraphs" -- like they're just looking for low-hanging fruit to say "yes, we have AI in our app." But the worst of thst ends up as unhelpful BS.

That said, these are the people who sign my paychecks so I'm trying to do the best I can within the constraints of my position.

So I'm looking for inspiration - what AI features have you seen, anywhere, that have really knocked your socks off, changed your perspective, or made your life better?

For what it's worth, I work on a data-heavy B2B2C SaaS platform but am interested in examples and inspiration across different business types.