does everyone just overlook in “Game Over, Charles” that…
Charlotte intended to blow up Radley with at least 9 people inside?!?
Sara helped Charlotte and everyone accepted they didn’t legitimately know why
Sara was physically disabled because Emily punched her and then she electrocuted herself? After she herself played everyone and set the charges (i.e obviously she knew they were there?!?!)
Caleb Ezra and Toby wet tent immediately tracking them to figure out where they were from the Prom - Carissimi Group??
for the love of God what happened with the moms in the basement? Why would Rhys lock them in if he was a decoy?
Why in the world does Sara do whatever Charlotte wants?If it’s because her greatest treasure was in the Radley why would Sara agree to help blow it up prior to finding it herself?
More then that, How in the time from Allison’s disappearance to Mona going to Radley and Cece learning about the game- who was “A” in that transition time?
Along those lines so Mona tortured Allison and then took a year off to become hot with Hanna (when in this timeline does Hanna go to fat camp?!?! -highkey hate they did this angle )as an irrelevant aside! So when Aria came back and they did Allison’s first memorial service Mona was like ka’ching start to punish my best friend and her friends for mourning the girl who was mean to us??
In the episode Cece talks about the day she went “home” to Rosewood and met Jason after calling in the threat at UPenn… at that time how did she know to make “Drake” her last name? In the final season everyone finds out about Mary Drake and that whole weird angle but if Charlottes greatest treasure (the file about her little sister(s?)) and her mom was in Radley the whole time how was she still looking for her given her unlimited resources… Also? you’re telling me the staff of a mental hospital didn’t notice anything amiss or vaguely compulsive about Cece’s behavior in those years?? Also, why torture Spencer it you recently found out that was your other sister! not saying Cece couldn’t have still been angry about the rumors she was hearing but if she was oh so intelligent why shun Spencer directly and assume Alex’s connection was legitimate?
It’s also mentioned that Cece set up the lodge fire to see if Allison was really alive. She says Shana got involved and messed everything up- so was Shana helping Allison out of the goodness of her heart and then decided Jenna was the better fit so switched and got overly extra in NYC as a scapegoat for everything?
When Jessica and Kenneth move back to Rosewood and find out (even through the grapevine) what Mona did, you don’t think it occurred to specifically Jessica- hey maybe I should go check on my overly traumatized kid?? Or at least know someone close to their family member could pose a significant threat as it risks exposing Charlottes / Charlie’s existence - and eventual history in the open in front of the police and everyone ?!
Another segue with more questions… Wren and Melissa were together on and off - why wouldn’t he eventually tell her about Charlotte? or at least that he ran into Alex! Especially considering after New York Charlotte meets Alex in the parallel timeline which about matched the time Wren gets back together with Melissa (it gets alluded to) bc Peter drops Melissa at the airport to go back to London. So in all that, Melissa doesn’t tell anyone about the girl she buried and Wren doesn’t tell his serious girlfriend she has another sister bc her little sister is her half sister and is a twin ??
so. many. little. things. that make it ridiculously stupid hard to simply enjoy the show. or to sleep.