I'm a total mess..

Hey.. so I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and I'm so in awe as I didn't think it was possible for me to have a baby. This is literally all I have ever wanted 🥰

I thought it was what my (ex) partner wanted too. Just a few weeks ago we were sitting and talking about our future and making plans as our little family of three, i was in the happiest place I've ever been!

Fast forward to now, he has done a 180, doesn't want anything to do with the baby, or me and said that he never had any intentions of going through with any of the plans we talked about. I gave up my rental house and my job for his dreams of us travelling and a week before our flights, he backed out so I'm not in a great situation considering the circumstances.

Now I just get threatening messages from him and him (I borrowed some money from him and he wants it all back immediately instead of a payment plan like we discussed before) telling me all these horrible things about me and reasons why he hates me, wishes he never met me and our whole relationship was a lie from his part. Im just so lost right now, my head is all over the place and I dont know what to do or think. I'm constantly upset and worried it's going to affect my baby 😞

How do you even do this on your own? I have no clue what I'm doing and I'm starting to believe him when he says the things he does about me being a mother.

I don't know if I'm looking for advice or just to vent, but thank you if you made it this far.