Sharp pain on 20th week. Triage phone line brushes it off as ‘probably pelvic grid pain’, what to do?
Hi all, I’m writing this on behalf of my wife as she couldn’t sleep at all an in on and off pain.
It started in the early morning - around 04:00 am - and now she cannot walk for 5 meters.
So walking made it worse.
We called triage and they suggested paracetamol, it didn’t work, we called again in an hour, they suggested double paracetamol. I mean, I don’t want to be dramatic but this kinda frustrated me.
My wife is a really though person so this is not normal for her, having the suffering face due to a pain, but maternity line is just brushing it off, what can we do?
UPDATE: After triage not answering our calls for two hours ( we called constantly ) we’ve decided to try 111. They sent an ambulance , took us to the maternity triage , they did urine, and some other tests. The diagnosis is possibly UTI. They gave us antibiotics.
Thank you all for your answers