Was anyone ready to have a baby? & Pregnancy guidance
I've found out that in pregnant and tbh with you it is unplanned, I am in a very wonderful relationship so it's not a one night stand thing (please note no judgement on those who are powerful single mamas - I Just felt the need to say I think cause of the unplanned nature throwing me off) ☺️ x
it's a bit of an awkward time personally with me needing to be a carer and starting a new job etc.
I don't feel ready to be a mum, I really don't. I have friends with kids and they're all like "oh you'll be great" and "it's the best thing ever" but I think they've always wanted to be mums like that's been in their cards from the get go?? And like I don't know that it was for me?
I'm just looking for insight from mum's and parents who weren't ready and saw it through, what's it been like??
Alongside this any and I mean any guidance on pregnancy is appreciated, I am typically really organised and planned so I'm feeling really anxious and in the dark and don't know where to start with the web of pregnancy rules and recommendations.
Thank you so much for your time.
Update: I think there's a decent chance I'm on my way to becoming a parent... Somehow! Thank you all so so so so so so much for your kindness and support! I'd really like to keep in touch with you all just because you have all been fantastic so please feel free to drop me a DM and we can maybe chat a bit more.
Thank you all again, my partner was thrilled by all your responses and very grateful to have had an outlet for all his excitement, he's keen to run ahead with announcements but I'm just dragging my heels a bit! I'm excited I think? Terrified definitely! And just so thankful for all of your efforts.
For a little further context my caring responsibilities are that my mum has stage IV cancer and my grandmother has AML which was palliative but she's on a clinical trial and doing well. Her and my granddad are struggling a bit now as it shifted their dynamic a lot. My mum is my grandmother's carer and as she's off to have a big (hopefully curative) experimental operation, all the care is about to be passed on to me. I was ready to step into mum's shoes in this sense, walking all the family's dogs and taking my Niece to her swimming lessons, checking in on my Aunt, Uncle and cousins on her behalf. I didn't quite realize I was about to step into her shoes in the world of being a mum! Possibly ❤️
Apologies for the rambling and thank you so much for your help - good luck with all your bumps and small people x