Tasha is 🗑…hear me out.

I’m rewatching Power and I just realized how much of a garbage person Tasha is. Everybody wanna jump on Team Tasha but let’s be honest she’s horrible. I’ll give you my top 5 reasons why:

  1. Ghost wants to be a legit businessman and leave the drug game. Tasha doesn’t support this because she wants to forever be a Trap Queen and does everything in her power to manipulate him into staying, even going as far as using Tommy as a tool to push her agenda.

  2. Rubbing her money in Lakeshia’s face every chance she got made Lakeshia resent her and therefore Lakeshia became a huge problem and caused problems for Tommy & Tasha once they got together in later seasons. Tasha created that monster with her casual mentions of the expensive things she buys while they are talking, shopping, or hanging out in her big closet full of expensive possessions.

  3. The whole fiasco with Shawn 😬. Tasha threw a tantrum when Ghost was busy at the club in the first episode. She got Shawn to take her home and well…if you saw it then you know the rest. This occurred BEFORE Ghost even linked up with Angela. Tasha played the victim when Ghost cheated but let’s be honest…she was in the wrong when she did what she did in that limo not once, but twice before Ghost even started messing with Angela like that.

  4. Her wigs. That it, that’s number 4.

  5. When Ghost finally left her for Angela, Tasha did everything she could to turn her kids against Ghost. Yes we get it, you’re hurt, he cheated and that’s wrong. But involving your kids in your relationship drama is also wrong. Tasha was more concerned about saving face and making Ghost look like the bad guy when she did dirt during the marriage too. She honestly did more to push her husband away than she did to make him want to stay. The clingy phone calls begging him to come home (this man can’t be a big time drug kingpin/nightclub owner if you want him home all day every day), the lies and manipulative tactics used with his friends and associates to find out what he’s doing in the business, blatantly shooting Ghost down every time he passionately explained his dream of getting out of the game and going legit, etc.

Bonus reason why Tasha is trash:

She calls Ghost by his street name instead of James. Some people may not feel like this is bad at all but think about it. Ghost is the name he’s known by on the street. It’s tied to his street persona. But James wants to be legit. He doesn’t like that life and he desperately wants out. Tasha refuses to let go of that life therefore she calls him Ghost. That’s who she sees. She sees Ghost, the drug dealer. She doesn’t want to see James. James doesn’t need a Trap Queen helping him hide guns and bloody clothes. Ghost needs that. If James doesn’t need a Trap Queen, then where does Tasha fit in? She’s not willing to change to fit the new lifestyle, she’s defiantly going against the grain to keep the old lifestyle and calling James ‘Ghost’ seems like a not so subtle way of showing James that he will never be more than Ghost to her.