I absolutely HATED ‘poor things’

‘it’s a woman coming of age’

No it’s an infant in the body of a woman who understands as any pubescent child does that touching certain places actually sends pleasure to the whole body- and the second she realises this - before being able to coherently talk- she has men sleep with her. that is the mental age of a 2-3 year old

She gets kidnapped and raped over and over again because a 2-3 year old cannot for the life of them consent even if they feel pleasure during the act. finding pleasure doesn’t make the act any less RAPE.

she gets so brainwashed that she ends up in a whore house, and starts getting raped there! she gets found by her father who wants to stay married to her cuz she’s in her mothers body! he then tells her he’s going to sew her vagina shut and the ‘respectable man’ saves her and she can go marry him because he’ll have her even if she’s tainted.

It was the most difficult watch of my life.

‘anyone who says poor things was bad doesn’t get it’ No i got it, i got it too well, pedophilia is being attracted to children, but the trauma is the same if you’re in a child body or the body of a grown woman. The movie is fucking sick.

Remove the rape bits and you had an interesting premise. with the unnecessary nudity you’re left with utter fucking rubbish.