(SPOILERS) Poppy's lost all my respect after chapter 4

She singly handedly told us to blow up the gas room, knowing danm well it could cause safe haven to fall apart and knowing danm well that doey warned her over and over again. And when he snapped she blamed it on us. claiming 'OH YoU cAuSeD DoEy To LosE iT' the doctor was right she is a narcissistic manipulator. Does had every right to become a villian...

She singly handedly told us to blow up the gas room, knowing danm well it could cause safe haven to fall apart and knowing danm well that doey warned her over and over again. And when he snapped she blamed it on us. claiming 'OH YoU cAuSeD DoEy To LosE iT' the doctor was right she is a narcissistic manipulator. Does had every right to become a villian...