Who would your ideal Democratic and Republican nominees be for the 2024 election if you could choose?

We all know who our nominees are going to be for the 2024 election which is Trump and Biden. Both are very unpopular and have a lot of baggage attached to them. Trump has a lot of legal troubles attached to him and Biden has concerns with his age and low approval ratings. Most people are not happy with the options they are presented and some think that both candidates are horrible or not too crazy about the upcoming rematch. Let's set that aside and if in an alternate reality that we could pick someone to go up against Trump and go up against Biden. Who do you think would a good Democrat to go up against Trump and a good Republican to go up against Biden? One I have in mind would be Romney vs Biden. Romney isn't as outspoken as Trump. He is a moderate Republican and I think he could pick up a good run against Biden. Whitmer vs Trump could be a good one because Whitmer is young and is a rising star in the Democratic Party. I think she could have a good shot at taking on Trump. Please let me know your thoughts below on which matchup against Biden and which matchup against Trump would be good ones.