House GOP Budget Would Raise Health Care Costs for the Poor to Pay the Rich

The push to slash health care to pay for Trump’s tax cuts will come back to haunt Republicans.

A showdown is brewing in Congress over looming cuts to Medicaid needed to pay for President Donald Trump’s tax cuts and anti-immigrant agenda, with hardliners pushing to slash the health care safety net while Republicans from swing districts worry about cutting programs their voters rely on.

Republicans who wooed working-class voters in the last election have every reason to be concerned. Medicaid and related programs provide health insurance for nearly 80 million adults and children, but potential cuts outlined in the budget resolution passed by House Republicans this week would leave millions with less money to pay for food and housing while boosting incomes for the extremely wealthy by 3.9 percent, according to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute.

While Republicans are considering cuts to multiple safety net programs to pay for Trump’s priorities, including the extension of his signature 2017 tax cuts, the cuts to Medicaid alone would reduce incomes for the bottom 40 percent of households far more than the tax cuts would boost them.

Due to increased health care expenses, the average household among the bottom 20 percent of earners would see a 6.8 percent dent in their budget on average. The decrease in income among the lowest-paid workers would be even higher in states that rely heavily on Medicaid; for example, in West Virginia and New Mexico, lower-income Medicaid recipients would lose an average 13 and 16 percent of their income under the proposed cuts.

Wealthy people, on the other hand, don’t need Medicaid but enjoy much larger tax breaks under the Trump plan. While the lowest 40 percent of earners would save between 0.6 and 1 percent of their income on taxes, the wealthiest 1 percent would save 3.9 percent on taxes, which is a significant amount of money considering their level of income.

My Argument : It’s clear what needs to happen. We need to collectivize the healthcare industry and guarantee healthcare to all people. Regarding the tax cuts, it’s clear who Trump is serving. I mean, 83% of the benefits from his tax bill went to the 1%, while only 17% of the benefits went to the working class; and the working class’s is only temporary. This move will only boost the wealth of the Capitalist class while increasing insecurity amongst working class people. We need to, at the very least, tax the Capitalist class out of existence, at most, dismantle Capitalism entirely and establish Socialism/Communism.