[H]Event Pokémon [W]PayPal


Pokémon in Home:

Name Nature OT ID No. Level
★ セレビィ ★ (Celebi) Quirky オコヤのもり 200807 60
★Celebi ★ Quirky Jungle 200807 60
ザルード (Zarude) Sassy オコヤのもり 200807 60
★ ストリンダー ★ (Toxtricity) Rash Rock Star 210219 50
Coalossal Modest Wolfe 210813 50
トリトドン (Gastrodon) Quiet カ・エール 200822 50
Porygon2 Sassy VGC20 200822 50
ポリゴン2 (Porygon2) Sassy VGC20 200822 50
Aerodactyl Jolly Worlds19 081619 50
★ 뽀록나 ★ (Amoongus) Sassy 백종윤 200809 50
ゲノセクト (Genesect) Sassy ゲッチャレ 201120 60
ボルケニオン (Volcanion) Careful ゲッチャレ 201120 60
マーシャドー (Marshadow) Bold ゲッチャレ 201120 60

Pokémon still in Bank:

Name Nature OT ID No. Level
★Mimikyu ★ Adamant PGL 102618 50
★Lunana ★ Timid Eclipse 100419 60
Latios Timid 2018Legends 090118 60
Palkia Timid 2018Legends 020218 60
Lugia Bold 2018Legends 110218 60
Salazzle Modest Clovis 08017 50
★Zygarde ★ Adamant 2018Legends 060218 100

PGL Tapus Selling as a set (still in Bank):

Name Nature OT ID No. Level
★Tapu Koko ★ Jolly Melemele 191004 60
★Tapu Lele ★ Modest Akala 181130 60
★Tapu Bulu ★ Careful Ula'ula 190222 60
★Tapu Fini ★ Timid Poni 190524 60

All self redeems & were 100% stock and did not involve any save file managers, third party software, or RNG manipulation

Can provide image of Wonder Card for these events.
