[H]Event Pokémon [W]PayPal
Pokémon in Home:
Name | Nature | OT | ID No. | Level |
★ セレビィ ★ (Celebi) | Quirky | オコヤのもり | 200807 | 60 |
★Celebi ★ | Quirky | Jungle | 200807 | 60 |
ザルード (Zarude) | Sassy | オコヤのもり | 200807 | 60 |
★ ストリンダー ★ (Toxtricity) | Rash | Rock Star | 210219 | 50 |
Coalossal | Modest | Wolfe | 210813 | 50 |
トリトドン (Gastrodon) | Quiet | カ・エール | 200822 | 50 |
Porygon2 | Sassy | VGC20 | 200822 | 50 |
ポリゴン2 (Porygon2) | Sassy | VGC20 | 200822 | 50 |
Aerodactyl | Jolly | Worlds19 | 081619 | 50 |
★ 뽀록나 ★ (Amoongus) | Sassy | 백종윤 | 200809 | 50 |
ゲノセクト (Genesect) | Sassy | ゲッチャレ | 201120 | 60 |
ボルケニオン (Volcanion) | Careful | ゲッチャレ | 201120 | 60 |
マーシャドー (Marshadow) | Bold | ゲッチャレ | 201120 | 60 |
Pokémon still in Bank:
Name | Nature | OT | ID No. | Level |
★Mimikyu ★ | Adamant | PGL | 102618 | 50 |
★Lunana ★ | Timid | Eclipse | 100419 | 60 |
Latios | Timid | 2018Legends | 090118 | 60 |
Palkia | Timid | 2018Legends | 020218 | 60 |
Lugia | Bold | 2018Legends | 110218 | 60 |
Salazzle | Modest | Clovis | 08017 | 50 |
★Zygarde ★ | Adamant | 2018Legends | 060218 | 100 |
PGL Tapus Selling as a set (still in Bank):
Name | Nature | OT | ID No. | Level |
★Tapu Koko ★ | Jolly | Melemele | 191004 | 60 |
★Tapu Lele ★ | Modest | Akala | 181130 | 60 |
★Tapu Bulu ★ | Careful | Ula'ula | 190222 | 60 |
★Tapu Fini ★ | Timid | Poni | 190524 | 60 |
All self redeems & were 100% stock and did not involve any save file managers, third party software, or RNG manipulation
Can provide image of Wonder Card for these events.