Macro game tips/guide for supporters 🌸 and defenders 🛡️ but a useful read for everyone
Behold the most powerful item in this game
Before yesterday u/saltypeeps made a post about how if you're playing defender as an all-rounder you still should be doing defender things, and in the commentary section there has been some controversies in takes that I don't believe should be controversial. 🤷 I'd like to add some reflections.
My average WR past seasons has been 56~58%. I got 1600+ from S7 to S23 (S24 got ~1564). I'd like to share some insights from experience. Of course it's not the gospel, but I'm a fairly decent player.
I highly recommend playing sup/def in duoQ at least. However if it's not a possibility, here are some things to do:
- Don't let hyper carry mentality ruin your game. Stick to your role. If you're picking a sup/def role and you want to play like a carry, fine, we all know that Eldeglock is funny 🔫 (I have a golden ribbon w/ her and can relate), but you still need to stick to your role in some level.
- If you're not sticking to your role like at all, perhaps you 🫵 are someone to blame too for bad results. I perceive that in this sub there's too much "MUUH MAH BAD ALLIES" mentality and little room for self-criticism. Stop to always blame the others and look at yourself. Yes, matchmaking sucks and I know how it is to get paired with sub 42,5% WR players, and sometimes we must accept that there are games that we just can't win. But there's always room for self-improvement. If you're picking a defender but you're not front-lining, soaking some damage, CCing enemies, but instead you're playing selfishly by yourself zooming the map, you can't blame the attackers for not doing damage. 🤷 As u/anacrelic has pointed out in the other post, don't pick defender/support "for the team", do it badly, and then expect to be treated like some martyr.
- Supporters and defenders are essential positions for the team. They provide buffs for allies, debuffs for enemies, can body block , soak damage, CC, reposition the enemy, gather information. These classes aren't suppose to be played alone by yourself (except maybe for Greedent and Sableye in some situations). If you don't want to stick to being an enabler for your team, pick another class. I don't know why this was so controversial in the other post, but if you want to play by yourself, there are classes that suits better your wish than a defender. If you pick them because they have a lot of HP and won't die fast, well that's true, but it's also exactly why your team needs you, to soak damage for them in their front line. But there you are, in the opposite direction of the map, dunking points by yourself while your attackers dies before reaching the objectives. The only classes that can play by themselves are speedsters and some all-rounders. Picking a Mon that depends on the team and the team depends on you requires responsibility. People are counting on you.
- Learn how to identify good and bad teammates while in the preparatory phase and stick with the good ones and just ignore the bad ones. For example, if in your team there are 1 speedster, 2 all-rounders, 1 attacker and you, and the all-rounders are using right item choices but the special attacker is using physical items, sometimes it's more useful for the team you pick a support and stick to your 2 all-rounders that has a chance to carry than pick a defender to protect the attacker because it's already a lost cause (even if it means your team will have no front line). But on the contrary, if the 2 all-rounders are using weird item choices but your attacker is using the correct items, could be more useful to pick a defender to protect the attacker even if your team will lacks on healing. I personally fill all the time, and sometimes it's not about what I want to play but what will be most useful for the team.
- This also means that you need to be an analytical player and learn what are the best item choices for every Pokémon in this game so you can make wise decisions even before the match begins. (It's not that difficult to be honest, you just need to study the game a little bit). Defenders and supporters choose who lives and who dies. If it's not a powerful position, I don't know what is.
Horrible items, Garde doesn't know how to play. No defender for her. You choose she will die.
- Please for everything that is sacred, 👏 use 👏 the 👏 damn 👏 Exp. 👏 Share 👏 item. Of course there are situations when it's better for a defender to not use Exp.Share, as for example Spin Toise as it needs to reach lv. 13 before Rayquaza. Or, if there's already someone else in your lane using this item, it's better you take off yours. But in the majority of the time, Exp.Share is simple THE BEST and most useful item in this game. If you're a supporter and you're not using Exp.Share, you're actively throwing the match. There are exceptions, of course, like the person who marked jungle in your team has an Exp. Share? You take off yours and jungle with them, you're not going to lose that sweet jungle XP to someone who basically don't know how to play the game. But in every other normal situation, Exp.Share is a NEED in lanes. While farming, you who are using Exp.Share will get 30% of the XP and the other person without Exp.Share will get 100% doesn't matter who last hit. This means that there are +30% of XP being created out of nowhere!! This is insanely broken as this game is based on who is stronger at the end of the match will probably get the Rayquaza. It's just insane how there are people who will refuse to use this item because they arrogantly think their allies are "too bad". No!!! Stop this toxic mentality!! In the worst scenario Exp.Share is good for you regardless your allies because it provides you free XP through the match while you do nothing, +240 HP and +150 Speed.
- But if there are 2 Exp.Share in the same lane, this means that who gets the last hit will get 100% XP and the other will have 0%. In this situation, it's BAD to have 2 Exp.Share. You either go to help your jungler farm, go to the lane that has 0 Exp.Share, or even invade the enemy jungler and try to steal their buffs.
- Not every Pokémon MUST or will take advantage in stacking. For defs and sups, please stop the stacking crazy. Watch Spragels' video about the subject and even for Mons in his "great stacking" tier consider that there are other items that can be as useful or more than stacking items. After buffs, for example, Rescue Hood is a very useful item for healing sups. It's not that you can't stack at all, but sometimes if you're in a lane with someone else who NEEDS to stack as Tsareena, you stacking at the beginning of the match along her means that most probably you both will be fighting for the same Aoes points and farms, and it will hinder her insanely. It would be better if you try to stop the other team to stack and let her be. Sometimes the sup/def job is to deny the other team's stacks, not the stacks of your own team!
- Learn to pick the right moveset based on your team's composition and the other team's composition. Your team relies on you, 👏 make 👏 wise👏 choices. If your team lacks CC and the other team has highly mobility characters and you as a defender is picking the damage set instead of the CC set because you like to goes "brrrrr big numbers" and has the toxic mentality that "everybody else is dumb I'm the only smart", you can't blame your low mobility allies that are in the back line for keep dying. Someone in the other post had the audacity to say to me "dOn't pUt yOuRsElF In a sHiFtY SiTuAtIoN BlAmInG ThE TaNk fOr yOuR PoOr dEcIsIoNs". NO, fuck this. Wrong mentality. 🤷 Sometimes your attacker ally doesn't have any mobility and depends on you to defend them in the back line (where they are supposed to be to begin with), but they're being shattered by highly mobility characters and yet you're diving in the OTHER team's back line because you find so funny Spin Toise in a match that required Surf Toise. Of course there are a lot of bad attackers in this game that have shitty positioning and in these cases, you can't do much to help them. But there are also good players picking attackers that even with good positioning can't do anything against speedsters, specially in blind pick.
- It doesn't mean that you need to chose the CC moveset all the time. There are situations that the offensive set is the best choice. If, for example, you're a defender in a team that has another defender, an all-rounder, a sup and an attacker with some mobility (like Mewtwo Y with 2 teleports) and the other team has 3 attackers, a sup and a speedster, it means that your team already has a front line while the other team doesn't. You can choose Spin Toise to enter in the enemies' back line and harass the 3 attackers as there's nothing that can stop you (besides a Buzzwhole). Same thing for foul play Umbreon that can reposition the 3 attackers while your team can deal with the enemy's speedster as 1) there's another defender and 2) your attacker has mobility and can kiting.
- Learn how to position yourself in the fights and what your Pokémon and your class is supposed to do. Supporters, for example, are not supposed to be tanks. A Blissey can soak some damage, but it's not her main job to do so. A Blissey shouldn't be in the front line, but in the mid line. She should be between her all-rounders/defenders and her attacker, providing cure with soft-boiled or enabling the front line with safeguard/helping hand, while still being able to cure the back line or provide safeguard/helping hand if needed, or stunning with egg bomb to save the back line from someone who entered suddenly like a speedster. A Blissey isn't supposed to be wasting her eggs to keep herself alive due her positioning. Instead, she always should have one or two eggs for emergencies. The same way, Elde isn't supposed to be in the front line as she is a ranged sup and dies easily. It's crucial for sups, specially healing sups, to be in the mid as they are one of the most valuable assets in the team, enabling the team to fight for more time, thus if they die the team loses great advantage. If you're a defender, you should be in the front line, but sometimes you can be needed in the back line of your team as well to protect an attacker, so you need to keep an eye in the mini-map and what's going on in the match. While you can enter in the enemies' back line to disrupt them and there are some defenders made for this as Spin Toise or Greedent, it's wise to keep in mind that you're the first (and sometimes only) barrier between the other team and your team, and if you're too far away from your team, your team will be defenseless. You're supposed to be initiating fights, checking bushes, CCing the other team, body blocking, engaging and disengaging. As you can see, everything a defender (and sup) does is team-centered. That's why it's so important to stick with your team. For the love of God please don't go dunk 100 points while Rayquaza is up and/or has just appeared in the map because your team WILL be shattered.
- Sometimes is worthy to self-sacrifice for your team, sometimes it's not. During the match learn who is the best player in your team, not necessary who is getting the more kills but the one who is doing the objectives, has good pings, a nice game vision and rotates in the map nicely. If for example they get ambushed right before Rayquaza in their own jungle while farming, it worth self-sacrifice to save them. At the other hand, if there's someone in your team that keeps trying to score and dyeing and is making horrible decisions, let them alone. Don't go to rescue them. At same time, sometimes it's worth to die even for a dumb teammate that has like 3 levels more than the enemy and you're lower level than the enemy because your kill won't count as much XP as your teammate would. To make the right decision is always a matter of analysis. Sometimes dying can even be used strategically to get your Ult faster.
- KEEP AN EYE IN THE MINI-MAP. Defenders and supporters are macro positions, you NEED to be paying attention to your mini-map all the time.
- Use USEFUL pings. Honestly if you have "thanks" as a ping in a game that lacks on options to proper communication and you like to be griefing thanks, you're not a player as great as you think you are. Ping to say how much % you still need for your Ult, ping in the map to indicate an objective to be done, etc. Communicate as much as possible with your team.
- If you have good allies that have proven that they fight well and have a nice gameplay, positioning and strategy, use your Ult to save them at Rayquaza. Don't economize your ult unnecessarily just because you want to smite the objective. At the other hand, if all your teammates have proven themselves helpless, it can be a good strategy to keep your ult to smite the objective. As you can see, it depends on your analysis during the match.
- Read about the game. Learn about good matchups and bad matchups, about Mons who counters another Mons. Know what every Pokémon in this game does, every hability and skills and items. You need to know that Umbreon counters Blissey, Buzzwhole counters spin Toise and covet Greedent, safeguard Blissey (but not soft-boiled Blissey) counters Darkrai and the list goes on. It's difficult in blind pick but in draft it's essential to know these things to make better decisions. Sometimes the game is decided in the pick & ban phase.
- Record your own matches and rewatch them if needed to learn what went wrong in a match. It's not your responsibility to carry the team, but you as a def/sup has the responsibility to help the best player in your team to carry the game. It's so easy to only blame other people, but self-reflection is essential to grown in this game. If you really did everything you could do and still lost, okay that's fine. But maybe you too were tilted and was making wrong decisions, or just panicked and wasted your Ult!
TL;DR: Defs/sups are heavy macro positions that need to analyze and understand the game well to make good decisions. They depends on team and team depends on team, thus they shouldn't be playing alone. Use Exp.Share always when possible, keep an eye in the mini-map and stick with the good allies in your team. Do what you class and Mon is supposed to do. Sometimes you don't need to deal damage to carry a game.
Not a native, forgive me for any silly mistake.