What can stop/slowdown Regidrago V + Dragapult?
I just started messing around with my own weird amalgamation of a GreninjaEX deck, and I've been doing fairly well with it on PTCGL (as compared to my previous, personal ATH), but I just ran a few games against a friend who is running Regidrago V + Dragapult and I-
I have NO IDEA what to even do about that deck. 😂
Usually when I get COMPLETELY ROLLED by a deck, I can sit for a while, think about what's giving me trouble, and tweak my own deck to work around it, rinse and repeat until it feels good. Obviously I can't plan for 100% of situations, and some decks are going to be naturally harder for me to beat, but the Regi + Dragapult combo has me absolutely stumped.
I want to keep playing around with this Greninja deck, so I'm not looking for advice that requires me to switch to an entirely different deck, but I'd love to know what y'all think could be run to stop or at least slow down the Regi.
The only thing I can come up with is running 4 Bosses and praying to RNGesus each game. 😅