New player advice?

Hello 👋 I've only been playing around 2 months and so far I only have 3/5 6ex SS gladion and the event lunala Lillie, some SS sync pairs like hilda and Leaf (and then a couple of unlocked to 6ex sync pairs I've gotten through packs/the story)I have a decent fire, bug, fairy and dark team. Everything else is kind of mix match but I get by...

I know selene in her special outfit is coming so I'm going to scout her as she's one of my all time favourites! I have enough to get her pity, as well as enough to pity one more person. I'm not very Interested in volo and I don't get the hype...are they that good?

My question is I was gonna scout for pity for either cynthia, silver or geeta. Silver is one of my favourites too, but I've seen others play with geeta who looks very OP and Cynthia is obviously iconic. Or is volo better? So yeah just wondering on who I should scout?