LF: PoGo stamped shiny legends or PoGo shinies from my tracker
Looking for PoGo stamped shiny legends/Mythicals (Any. Raid ball is fine) or anything shiny and PoGo stamped from this tracker - https://pokedextracker.com/u/ImZigeo/pogo-shiny-living-dex
Language doesn't matter so long as they are stamped and shiny.
- Pics 1 - 6 are PoGo stamped. Various languages.
- Pic 7 is spare NON PoGo stamped shiny legends. All look fine and pics are available on request.
- Pics 8 - 16 are self caught shinies from mainline games. All ENG.
- Pics 17+18 are NON self caught shinies from trades. All look fine. Various languages.
- Pics 19+20 are an example of non shiny legends I have available as spare. I have most DLC legends as non shiny.