FT: pics LF: Pogo shinies: Galarian Zapdos, Nihilego, Galarian Yamask/Meowth, offers
Thanks to all who have helped with trades recently!
For the rarer stuff at the front of the post I’m mainly looking for the stuff in the title but feel free to offer. Either evolution for pogo stamp shiny Perrserker or Runerigus works for me. I can package deals and be flexible.
As always, general notes about some other stuff: I was told the Meloetta and Zam were legit events, and I believe I have the WC for Jirachi, not positive. Giratina has wrong date so I believe it’s injected. I was told Manaphy was a legit clone. The gimmeghouls are raid caught by me and have the corresponding size marks. Pic 17 are all wild caught by me. Pic 18 are all legit wild caught or go caught by someone else. Pic 19 are raids caught by me. Let me know of any questions