How do yall organize your living dex's?

So i already have a living dex, and the boxes set aside for my partially complete shiny living dex. As of this generation they take up 35 boxes each so thats 70 boxes in home. Today i created a new profile on my switch to hollimy living regionregional dexes. Which is 29 boxes for scarlet, kitikami, and blueberry, 28 boxes for shield, isle of armor, and crown tundra. Arceus, bdsp, and lets go are easy and small. The other problem is pokemon go which would add another 35 boxes in home making 105 /200 boxes in home dedicated to my living dexes. And that doesn't even include my 13 boxes of major form difference pokemon (like unown, flababe, minior, deerling etc.) Or my regional difference boxes, paradox boxes, regional variance boxes, gigantamax, mega, plus another 4 boxes to hold 1 of each legendary and mythical, plus totem pokemon, titan pokemon. And that doesn't even include event pokemon, spare shinies, spare legendaries, etc. How do yall keep all of this stored and organized? I constantly feel like I'm running out of space.