Back to where I was
After losing my last save to a corrupted save due to the cartridge coming out of my gameboy, I have beaten the Elite 4 once again. I got my sister's old gameboy, so I was able to trade my Kadabra and Graveler and get Alakazam and Golem, both of whom were studs during the Elite 4. Golem took out Golbat and the second, stronger Haunter during Agatha.
Now, on to completing the pokedex! At least, as much as I can with only gen 3 games.
After losing my last save to a corrupted save due to the cartridge coming out of my gameboy, I have beaten the Elite 4 once again. I got my sister's old gameboy, so I was able to trade my Kadabra and Graveler and get Alakazam and Golem, both of whom were studs during the Elite 4. Golem took out Golbat and the second, stronger Haunter during Agatha.
Now, on to completing the pokedex! At least, as much as I can with only gen 3 games.