National Doubles Association Season 6 Announcement!!
Are you sad that the Sword and Shield competitive scene is coming to an end with Scarlet and Violet on the horizon? Are you gonna miss the underrated pokemon brought to us in gen 8 and the unique dynamax/gigantamax gimmick changing the way competitive pokemon has been played for the last couple years?
Do you want to finish Sword and Shield competitive with a bang?
If so, the National Doubles Association(NDA) has you covered. In the sixth season of NDA were traveling back in time to the roots of Sword and Shield VGC. Back when every team had Dragapult and Togekiss, when Incineroar wasn’t on every team, and when GMAX Lapras ran draft league. We’ll be playing essentially series 1/2 rules with a few self imposed exceptions to spice up the league even more!
Find out by joining the NDA and experiencing this last season of Sword and Shield competitive with us! We have built an amazing community and will be finishing out Sword and Shield with a bang while at the same time be preparing for Scarlet and Violet seasons to come.
Come get involved, NDA can’t wait to have you!
If interested please Direct Message kmilly132#7068 or WexfordWarri0r#1657 league admins and they will sort you out!! Hope to hear from you soon!!