How can I make most of my money back?

So I recently got into pokemon and due to Fomo bought some ETBS at market, as well as packs on what not. All in all, I spent about $800 on 4 ETB’s and a good amount of packs.

I did pull some pretty decent cards and have kept 10 sealed surging sparks packs, but after realizing I need the money, I’m kind of struggling with an exit strategy.

Before you all come in guns blazing, I know I will not break even. I’m fine with that. But I want to try to maximize how much I can get back, and if so, how to do go about doing that. I understand I’m not cut out for this, and will probably exit the hobby, at least from the stand point of putting money into cards. I still actively watch videos and enjoy seeing what other people pull.

Here’s the cards I have from prismatic for reference:

  • 2 SIR (Dragapult, Iron Hands)

  • 2 Masterball Patterns (Eevee and Goldeen)

  • 6 Promo Eevees

  • 4 IR’s

  • 2 Ace Specs

  • 4 Full Art Trainers

  • 17 Pokeball Patterns

  • 9 Holo Basic Energy

  • 24 Holo + Reverse Holo Eeveelutions

  • 1 Leafeon Tin

I appreciate any tips on how to sell to get the most money back.