In the quiet moments of the night, deep truths gurgle up like an intermittent spring that will not be stopped. I feel the ticking of the clock for my life.
That clock always felt so long. As if the beats were extended and stretched by some sick cosmic joke mocking me. The feel of the clock has changed.
I hear a quiet whisper inside that I have nearly completed everything I was meant to do. Images flood my mind. Reminding me what is left before the clock runs out.
Thanks and gratitude need to be given before the stepping stone erodes under the water.
Memories of the elderly from my life with their words echoing in the empty halls of my heart like a broken record, "I need to make sure I pass along the things I learned before it's time."
I feel a little too comfortable just waiting out the clock. Not caring about each tick and each tock as the world continues turning.
I'll continue following my intuition and wonder what will await when the clock runs out.
After all, there are plenty of stepping stones and teachers out there. No need to fuss.