Can I dream of being free?
It is so dark, that light cannot pierce the ever present shadow. And yet, I continue to shine brightly.
It is so empty, that I feel I exist in a vacuum, a vast nothingness. And yet, I continue to reach out.
The pressure is so crushing, that each step forwards feels like pulling a mountain. And yet, I continue to trudge ahead.
Each day is a battle. A fight against an entity that knows no fear, no remorse, no compassion. It feeds on the pain it inflicts.
I claw and bite at the darkness, trying to tear it apart. I continue to endlessly endure, and win, these daily battles.
But with each battle, comes a toll, and I fear that ultimately the war will be lost to attrition.
I will continue to fight. I will not give up. But am I allowed to dream of a day when I can be free?