Emotion detection on voice tone. I need to hear community opinion.
Hello! Word of advice, I'm not too deep into the PNGTuber community, but I'm currently working on an API/Websocket, that takes chunks of your voice and detects the emotion and return is it back the result. I made it an API so ideally, you could plug and play in your favourite software, but currently I'm at loss in some decisions I have to take.
Which PNGTuber Software do you use?
I want to try and develop myself all the plugins to your preffered program. Instead of gatekeeping it to one specific software. Also saves me a lot of work if I don't have to develop another PNGTuber program lmao.
How much would you pay, or in what style?
Initially, this will be free, but unfortunately to keep this running and even improving it I will undoubtedly need cash. But also I do not wish to suck money out of your wallet like a leech. I want this tool to be something that helps you first, profits second.