Terrified of this relationship

I reconnected with an old flame. Things didnt end well with us. However, he reached out a couple of months ago after his break up with the woman he had been with after me and we reconnected. Before I knew it, I was romantically involved with him again. We talked about everything that happened and processed things. I got some closure.

This brings me to the problem at hand. His ex was fit and beautiful. He showed me pictures. He himself is also into fitness and has some misconception that he is unfit and needs to get into shape. (He is thinner than I am and to me he seems perfect.) I tell him he is cute and he tells me to stop making fun of him. And he calls himself fat as if it is a bad thing. He constantly talks and admires women who are fit when we go out for walks or keeps looking at thirst traps online. Even shows them to me and points out women he finds attractive and who appear fit.

I am not thin. I am fat. I have always been. It's been a long journey from hating myself for it, blaming my fatness for everything to finding ways to love myself. I called him out on the way he talks about himself. He called himself ugly and fat and that he is mediocre looking and probably a 4 or a 5 out of 10. I was like that's bullshit and then asked him what he thought of me. Point to note, he's always made me feel really beautiful. So I was expecting him to say something on the same lines. Instead he told me, you're like me- mediocre looking and a 4 or a 5 out of 10. For some reason that invoked some deep insecurity in me. I was hurt by what he said and told him he should be with someone who he thinks is beautiful and not mediocre looking and that I deserve to be with someone who thinks I am beautiful.

I can't stop thinking about this. I cried because what he said made me feel really ugly. I also feel like I can never compete with the kind of women he constantly fixates on- fit girls, insta girls. And while it's sad that he thinks of himself this way but it's really something else to hear someone you like say that to you, say the worst thing you think about yourself to you. I may not be beautiful to everyone in the world but I think it is important to me to be beautiful to the person I am with.

I dont want to talk to him anymore. I feel this sense of anguish and insecurity that I cant get rid of. And this also makes me feel some sense of doom that love will just never happen for me that there is no man out there who can look beyond his own superficial needs and conditioning to see me for who I am. He just made me feel really ugly and I had done a lot of work to not feel that way. Feels like a punch out of the blue.

P.s. I love this community. It brings me so much support and has helped me with self acceptance. I am using a throwaway account because I have had someone stalk my original user name and monitor my posts.