Geo-replication for Plex - is it yet possible?

I have a PMS running at home, and a friend made a copy of it in another state. The idea originally started with "if my house burns down, I want my media backed up elsewhere".

I sync our servers nightly with rclone, and he's installed PMS on his end.

The downside is obvious - we both have to manage our own user lists, and the servers appear independent of each other.

I've been searching like crazy, trying to find a solution. Naturally, I'd love it both of our servers showed up as a single server, and it would load balance (preferring mine), and also failover when I do updates / move / whatever life may happen.

Anyone have any good ideas, or can point me in the right direction? I considered just putting us behind a proxy, but still, the servers register independently with Plex, so of course that won't work.