I like the prize pass

While I really don't like the expansions for a number of reasons I think the actual pass is fine. I feel like I've been leveling it up without trying and getting free ranked tickets. While I did like the free daily ranked ticket I feel like now I have more than I can use. Also, most of the time a ranked ticket pays for itself with a silver or gold victory, and even if you only get bronze I feel like on average you get about 50 crystals. Btw this is as a f2p player. While I think the expansions truly suck I feel like people are complaining about things that aren't issues with the game but rather their own skill. I think the game feels fairly balanced with the exception of running into an occasional depth charge. If you play well, most build can work unlike pre release when there would be a few builds that were ridiculously strong each patch.

TLDR Prize pass means I have infinite rank tickets Game is at least as balanced as it has ever been People are overreacting