I’m not enjoying the new patch
I’ll preface by saying that I am not good at the game, so all these opinions are coming from the perspective of a very casual player who watches Kripp sometimes. All that said if I’m being completely honest I have not enjoyed this patch. I don’t really have an issue with the new kits (I’d like them more they weren’t so buggy) but nerfing xp and gold so much has made early to mid game feel really bad for me. The changes to the lost crate and mushroom encounters makes them not feel good to choose, the furry monster one seems to suck, and the upgrade your bronze items encounter is good maybe one time. Therefore I’m more inclined to choose a shop but again, there is less gold so shops feel bad early too. I’d love to hear some points that will change my mind or maybe some tips to help me get through the early game, but this is where I’m at right now.