Passive Vanessa - Fun & effective build to try that isn't crit or poison based.
This was my second time trying this build, the first time was 10 wins. It's a really fun build and something I don't see a lot from Vanessas.
I lost this run in the end due to a perma freeze Vanessa and some sht Dooley pulled off that I didn't comprehend how he won. Other than those, it was a breeze.
It's pretty easy, don't do damage and outlast your opponent using the timer. Don't use weapons. Don't use poisons. Heal and shield, that's it. Live long enough for the timer to take them out.
The hardest part is getting crit hard early game or not outscaling their big weapon in time.
Key items are the barrel and the Astro-thingy that hastes non-weapon items. Other than those you'll stack a couple healing items for vs poison and the rest shields. You have to get enough scaling into late game or some items will just out pace you. That being said, it isn't a hard build and is fun to watch the opponent try to ping your hp away while you're critting shields, gaining 50k a match.
Try it out!