Friendly Reminder to stop looking at Steam Charts. Fragpunk will be fine...
I've been reading a lot of doomposting of late about how player counts on Steam are decreasing and what it does to the health of the game. With lots saying "The game is dead" or "The game is going to die". People need to chill. The steam graphs do not accurately reflect the health of the community. Most free to play games lose around 70-90% of their launch peak. Its very likely Fragpunk will settle between 8,000-15,000 concurent players on steam in a month and that is fine, if the consoles also pull in around 15K players each that would be a concurrent playerbase of around 45,000 and this game support crossplay.
Take The Finals for example, It had 250K players on launch, it now gets around 15K-20K concurrent players at peak. Everyone in that subreddit was panicking about it at first, saying the game would be dead but over a year later and it has a core community which play it, frequent updates, matchmaking times are super low and the community is strong and even growing.
The Finals is crossplay on Xbox & PS5 like Fragpunk will be soon, despite having around 15K concurent players on steam The Finals devs confirmed
"Since launch, we’ve never dropped below 300K DAU (daily active users) with all platforms combined."
That's right 300,000 daily active players despite Steam's peak only showing around 15k concurrent. Steam numbers are just a small snapshot of how many people happen to be online simultaneously on ONE platform.
Steam numbers don't include console players, who often make up a huge chunk (or even the majority) of the player base. Concurrent peak players are always fewer than daily active players (a player who logs on at noon and another player who logs on at midnight will not be merged in concurrent numbers).
Even if Fragpunk drops as low as 5,000 to 10,000 players simultaneously on Steam doesn't make it dead or dying. That's still an active population. And with crossplay coming soon, the player base will only expand.
The game has a solid foundation right now, it has a player base which I know will keep coming back to it, even with 5000 active players in Europe/North America the matchmaking would still be super fast.
TL;DR: Stop obsessing over Steam numbers. Games with even fairly modest Steam peaks can still be healthy, thriving communities. Crossplay is also on the way too, further increasing matchmaking pools.