Concerned with swelling after rhinoplasty (revision?)

Hi everyone,

I had, I believe, a columella reduction done in-office under local anesthesia about 5 weeks ago. This procedure was a follow-up to a rhinoplasty I had 5 years ago, which had some minor complications. For a couple of years after the initial surgery, I was receiving steroid shots and filler every other month. I’m not sure if this procedure counts as a revision, but I am pretty sure he opened me up on my old incision and his assistant lifted the skin as they would if I was under anesthesia (yes, I almost passed out)

After the recent procedure, I was very swollen, which I expected. I followed up with my doctor and received a steroid shot a few days ago and the swelling seems unchanged. The area under the incision feels hard, almost like cartilage, with no pain.

I’m having a hard time finding any information or pictures online that match my situation, where the swelling is localized only under the incision. I do have my doctors cell number but I feel like I’m being annoying since he didn’t seem concerned when I went in the office.

We are scheduled for another steroid shot in 4 weeks, but he said in a few months if this doesn’t help we will open it up and go back in.. This whole process has been so upsetting I’m so tired of frequenting the doctor for a surgery I had 5 years ago that should be healed, and I don’t want to leave my house while I look like this :(

Does this seem normal for the recovery process? Any insights or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!