1.5 Month Lip Lift update!

If you want to see the progression it’s in my post history. Second picture shows the before and 3 days, and 3 week update. Doctor was Dr Dahan in Reno, NV and was just under $4000.

Overall I’m still super happy with it, I am so much more confident now! Before I hated how uneven and lumpy my lips were (they were like that even before filler). I got filler and it helped with volume, but couldn’t fix the unevenness. The surgeon measured and my right side was 0.5cm lower than my left.

I had a setback literally on the 1 month date, I mentioned in previous posts that my smile hurt on my right side and it was red, but I thought it was just muscle healing. Turns out my body rejected the internal sutures and I had some spitting out. I got them trimmed, but didn’t see the doctor because I was in a rush (bad idea). 3 days later I had a bump, it popped and it turned out it was a stitch abscess, a rare complication. It was gross, but the pain relief was immediate. My amazing doctor responded to my call within 5 minutes and called in new antibiotics and went over what to do, it was very reassuring. He said in all his years it’s only the second one he’s seen.

I’ve been on antibiotics since then and paused the scar cream to keep neosporin on it. The redness is now almost completely gone and the scar is not visible. The only visible part is the tiny scabs from the abscess and the spitting stitches. Other than that setback, it was really smooth. I still would do it again 100x!

The lips look big in pictures, but honestly I have an oval face and my face is so much more balanced now! Another note, the right side of my lip seems “heavier” because of the extra filler that was put in to compensate. I wanted to dissolve it all, but I’m hoping to wait it out and avoid any potential complications.

No more fillers for me!