DMSO worked for me!!!

So, I feel it is my duty to spread info about this as it worked for me.

Someone else gave me this suggestion and I ran with it. I didn't even expect it to work. You can even look back over my posting history to see me conversing with the guy about it.

I have had severe Plantar Fasciitis pain in my heel for about a year in my left foot. Everywhere I walked I had to walk on my toes, keeping my heel raised because it hurt so much.

In fact, I was in such bad shape, that I would get pain even when I was doing nothing. Like sitting in my chair or lying in bed, I would get excruciating pain shooting up my heel for no reason.

I did a lot of stretching, that definitely seemed to help, and I would use ice and heat, and I took lots of rest, yet, ultimately, nothing worked. The pain was still there and just wouldn't go away.

Until now.

You need three ingredients (maybe a couple of optional ones too).

*DMSO (with magnesium)

*Castor Oil


Now, it's important to know that DMSO pulls or draws things deep into the body, both good or bad.

So, you have to be careful, as it can also pull dirt/grime/bacteria (or chemicals) into your blood stream if you're not careful. You need to make sure that your foot and your hands are extremely clean before applying this (use baby wipes on your foot.)

Mix them together and apply to the foot 3 to 4 times per day and leave to sit there for about 15-20 minutes each time (and then rinse it off).

The DMSO and castor oil you buy should be in glass bottles, not plastic.

I rub the Penetrex on my foot first, then take a small mix (about a teaspoon or two) of the DMSO and the castor oil and rub that over my foot, and then let it do its thing.

Make sure you have lots of tissue or kitchen towel nearby for the mess.

The optional ingredients you could add, but I never did, is:

*Cannabis/arnica balm

*Colloidal Copper

For the first 4 or 5 days, I personally felt no difference.

It's been about two weeks now for me, and I am pretty much pain free.