Posted this in the Psoriatic arthritis sub. Just wanted to share my excitement over this new diet
I commented a couple of posts today and thought I’d create one of my own.
7.5 years ago diagnosed. Both knees, hip, shoulder and elbow. Aches and pains everywhere. Failed DMARDS (zero effect) and given my inflammation markers were stupid crazy, was placed on biologicals. Humira failed and then Simponi finally worked. Swelling reduced, baker’s cysts gone and pain manageable. Happy Chappy:).
But in my blood work I couldn’t ever get CRP and others down to safe levels. This caught up with me eventually and I started getting chest pains, failed a stress test and CT + echo picked up major blockages. After a lot of research I decided on the low oil, whole food plant based approach by Caldwell Esselstyn (Fork over knives dude) which has great success in Cardiovascular patients.
I had a 6 week gap before undergoing an angioplasty for 2 or 3 stents. So I gave the diet a go 100%.
Started to really feel well after about 4 weeks. Could walk without any shoulder or arm pain. Then I went in for my full blood work for the Cardiologist (and Rheumatologist) and got a massive shock. I was so focused on the heart that I didn’t realise my PA had basically become nonexistent. All markers went to almost zero. Rheumatologist was like “wow, who’s diet”?. Finally my PA was in a good spot (touch wood it holds) for the first time.
Bigger shock came next. Blood pressure was normally 140-150/85. Now 110/75. No meds.
Cholesterol down by 60% (tried statin but had side effects. But it may have contributed due to long half life). Plus other benefits I would prefer not to post.
Anyhow I do the angiogram and was told all good. No stents required and no foreseeable need. WTF?
Anyway I am in a happy place right now. I see a lot of other autoimmune sufferers having the same success with this diet in conjunction with their meds.
I really hope this lasts
Edit from me. Sorry about the long paragraph. I thumb typed from my phone. I had tried the diet years ago and started getting good results. But I’m a beer and steak man. Just couldn’t cut it. I’m under no illusions that the Simponi is doing the heavy lifting in this development. Just happy with the short term win. See how I go and hope I can give a positive update in 4-5 months