I guess I'm cooked 🤣


I can't for the life of me find where I put my seed phrase, and I'd honestly been a part of this project since 2019 when I was just a kid and had no idea what crypto was, now I'm 21 and fully understand the importance of seed phrases and forgot all about Pi but I have at least 1000 Pi in a wallet I don't know the seed phrase to (which is weird because I'm almost certain I had the seed phrase recently) and over 600 of the Pi outside the wallet is going to simply vanish because out of my entire time I'm the only person who stuck to it for so long, and I pretty much have no chance at contacting or convincing most of them even if I could access my wallet

welp. 💀 there goes that

EDIT: holyyy I found it 😭 i don't know how this is possible because i literally looked through my notes over 3 times, and only when i searched "passphrase" instead of "pi" it somehow showed up... this doesn't make sense because it is literally in my notes as "pi passphrase" but i could not find it even when i searched "pi" or looked through the entirety of my notes without searching (3x)