How much pi have you migrated?(+clarification on migration most people should read)

Some people just don't seem to read. I see a lot of wannabe whales are crying "muh muh I mined 200,000 pi but I can only transfer 800."

If you READ CAREFULLY you are mainly transferring what YOU mined solely. The remaining pi that is unverified becomes transferrable GRADUALLY as people kyc. If they pass KYC tomorrow, their portion of pi which you are benefitting from won't become transferrable/migratable immediately. As someone who owns ~2500 and was able to transfer ~1500 I'm not surprised, the amount I was able to transfer was 'high' because 100% of it is purely what I mined myself. I have two other people in my circle and none of them KYC'd. I've been mining since July 2019. This has been the result of my own toil, effort and tears over the years opening the app and pressing a button.