Genius friend that blows my mind.
Just wanted to rant about a super smart friend that blows my mind. Let’s call her Sara. (Keep in mind everyone goes at their own pace though so this is just an appreciation post for her).
Sara is a physics and math double. She never goes to class unless attendance is required, only does the subjects that interests her. She never took gen physics 1 and 2 (didn’t take it in high school either), but took the following. Writing it this way so it’s easier to read (+ means self studied):
1F: Modern, calc 1 + calc 3, diffeq, linalg
1S: Calc 2, Quantum, statmech, e&m + analysis, algebra
2F: complex analysis, grad quantum, grad classical, grad statmech, intro lab1
2S: grad e&m, qft, grad analysis, intro lab2
She got a B in her lab courses and modern (LOL), but got As in all the other courses. What’s crazy to me about her is that she had absolutely no knowledge of phys 1 or 2 when she started with modern. She also learned calc 3, diffeq, and linalg in 2 months, and then all of analysis and algebra in one semester. (She took calc 1 and 2 as a freshman in high school).
She did ALL of that in 2 years. I knew she was smart and talented when we first met cause she was deemed a music prodigy when she was young but I didn’t know she had this much potential. She’s also a brilliant writer as well. I asked her about how she learns math so quickly, and she said “idk, it’s the same way you learn English. They’re both languages.” Her physics intuition is out of this world. Plus she’s a chill person and well liked by everyone around her. She’s doing research with a renowned professor right now and I know she’s going off to places. Super humble too and is always there for me if I’m crying over a class.
Just wanted to rant about her. She’s my best friend and deserves some recognition.