I’m 18 turning 19 years old and still childish.

I try to my best to act my age and not act like a kid but my development has been held back since I’m still in high school ( I repeated the 3rd grade). I can’t get a part time job because jobs want someone with good availability but unfortunately I have a long school schedule from 7 am-3 pm and have low availability. I try to act my age but it’s hard too since I don’t have responsibilities besides going to school and I also am a late bloomer I look and sound like a kid I don’t have that grown man aura for some reason still even tho I’m 18 turning 19 might have to be because low testosterone. I have no authority whenever I speak and struggle to speak with a loud manly tone for some reason I also have a bad stutter and talk too fast which makes me seem even more childish and leads me to be very antisocial .I’m also very lazy don’t clean my room clean up the trash and have a very messy unorganized room because I’m just so lazy and just feel like laying down since I have no motivation in myself. I just want to feel like I’m my age I kno being in high school still has held me back and made me mentally a 16/17 year old since I still have no grasp of the real world despite almost being 19. How can I really man up mature myself and not be looked at as a kid? I’m over here fighting with my 11 year old brother over candy cuz he said it’s his like why am i still in these situations.