Why does the games performance get worse with every update?
Like the title says, why is playing on PC getting worse with every update?
I thought with the optimizations meant for console that meant the game would run better on PC too but its the opposite. I've watch my frames drop 85% over time.
Cyberpunk runs as good or better than Phasmophobia at this point and that's weird. Phasmophobia isn't the only game pushing a console release where this has happened and I want to know why. This technically happened with Outlast Trials and others too.
Relevant HW: i12700K and 3090 Turbo. I used to see 200-350 FPS on this setup.
My old 1080TI used to run this game with about 150 FPS, so I can't understand why it has changed so dramatically.
UPDATE: I did a complete uninstall with Revo uninstaller and reinstalled the game after. Somehow the FPS are back!