Uncalled-for behavior from Phase Euphoria!!!
I known it's taboo to bring up Drama like this especially between company members, but the blatant disrespect that All of Phase euphoria have shown to their senpai Shiina by not only attempting to seduce sad bee away from her but to also brang about it in their new cover is something I can't stand for.
I, like everyone else when I first heard the song thought it was a good cover but, after listening to it a few times I started making the connections. I started thinking who is this song about, obviously vtuber watchers are single so who is getting stolen from their girl.
All the other vtuber in phase are too sad girl to be in a relationship so it's not their boyfriend getting stolen from them. They left a little hint in the middle of the song when muyu says " my honey bee, come get this pollen".
So given all of that I would request phase connect release a new version with the word bee bleeped and the bees in the video blurred