After 4 years, I am seriously thinking about quitting my PhD
I (29m) live in Europe and I’m doing my PhD in humanities and I think I have reached my breaking point. After I finished my master’s in 2021, I was very interested and happy to start a PhD. It was (and still is) my dream to work in academia, to research, teach, etc., but I am seriously thinking about throwing everything out the window.
Some problems were clear from the start, but I sincerely thought I could overcome it. For example, my supervisor is useless. When I had to present my proposal, he made no corrections before or after, while some professors almost teared me to pieces in front of everyone. It was humiliating, but I tried to take it all with grace and as suggestions to make things better. Then I got my exchange approved and I moved to another country and my PhD became a joint PhD between the two universities, so I got another supervisor assigned. You would have thought that two supervisors would make things better, because you have two people reading your proposal and dissertation before you submit anything. But no, it is only worse. The first supervisor from my original university has zero academic competencies, but he was my only possible choice. The other supervisor from the partnering university is a brilliant guy, but I have no idea what he is doing. I remember asking them both several times if they have anything else for me to correct but they were both happy and gave me the green light. And so, I submitted my first draft of the dissertation to my committee. It was horrible. And to be clear: both my supervisors said they read the entire dissertation and submitted their corrections to me, and I did what they asked. And still, when I met with the committee (3 professors who judge my dissertation, neither of the supervisors is a member of this committee and the committee has the final word).
My dissertation (on which I have spent almost four years now, just the dissertation!) was called shallow, judgmental, unprofessional, not worthy of being called a dissertation, etc. You get the idea. I wanted to cry. Or to throw the 400-page draft into someone’s head. The committee gave me their corrections and I am working on this. And here I mean not just general corrections, but they pointed out every typo, anything that needs to be corrected is pointed out and marked. OK, I can work with that. It seems I cannot. The comments are very unprofessional, and I mean that some of the comments have the words like “unbearable” or “shallow”. And now, I was sent the report from the meeting with the committee and I almost went insane. Not only are the comments contradicting each-other (one professor says expand the dissertation, the other says I should cut it in half, one says focus on this question, the other says focus on the opposite question, etc.), but some of them are personal. I don’t mind if they call my dissertation shallow, because I simplify things or because there are not enough sources. Fine, this I understand, and I can resolve and am working on that. I don’t want to be childish, but I have a feeling that they really are starting to hate me, because I criticize some people they like (not the professors personally!). So, on one hand, I find myself without support from my first supervisor (in fact, until the meeting with the committee he hasn’t read the dissertation, even though I have sent him everything in time), I have a committee against me, and they are ready to delay things as long as they can. And they still have about 2 years to freely delay as much as they want. And in the meantime, I can’t get a job in academia, because I don’t have a PhD and can’t apply for teaching positions or post-doc.
I am seriously thinking about cutting off my original supervisor and continue only with the supervisor from the partnering university. At least this guy reads what I write. But I am honestly on the verge of giving up, because if the committee is decided to block me and tear me to pieces, they have the power to do this. And I can’t do anything. I can’t go to the dean or to the doctoral student’s office because it’s a small faculty and everyone knows each other and honestly, they can make my live a living hell, even more than it already is. Honestly, I don’t know what to do, because I am good at what I do, I get invited to speak at conferences, etc., in Europe, USA. Maybe my problem is writing? Is my problem that I stand on a philosophical position that my committee disagrees with, but they can’t say that I am wrong because I actually am not? (This is not to be presumptuous, but if you have two philosophical ideas/positions you have people who disagree with each other on some points, but not really wrong, but that’s another discussion) I have no idea. Any suggestions/help will be appreciated. Maybe I will do what PhD memes suggest and open a bakery or go wash plates in a pizzeria.
TL;DR: After 4 years of working on my dissertation, I am ready to give up because I have no support and committee seems to be determined to block me. Have no idea what to do.
P.S.: As you can see, English is not my first language, so, apologies for that. Also, sorry for the long post, I needed to vent a bit.
Edit 1: Thank you all for the words of encouragement and advice! Reddit gave me the encouragement I needed to get back on track. I took about a week off, didn't even look at my dissertation. But I wrote down a couple things I will address with the committee. I will soon meet with my supervisors and I intend to be very clear about things and now the goal is one: just to finish the damn thesis. I'm not sure I would manage to get anyone fired, but the moment all the paperwork is done, I a on my way to some disciplinary committee for a long talk. Now I need to change my acknowledgments and add "Big thanks to all the people on Reddit who encouraged me and gave me brilliant advice, I would not be here today without them"!