A dying streak - devastated and panicking

This month we are having a dying streak and it is devastating me. We lost a lad to surgery because when we went in what was there was inoperable. I am glad he got that chance but we were so hopeful. He was only middle-aged and very alert and active until the end.

Then one of our little old ladies started pooping bright red blood. She went to vets - xrays but was too weak for bloods. She passed at vet - vet not sure if lymphoma mass burst or if she had a torsion. But she had indicators of lymphoma for 2 years.

Then we totally lost a youngster out the blue - he was fine at 9pm, struggling at 2am, vets at 3am and died at noon. He spent the night in an oxygen tent on IV fluids at an OOH vets and then got x-rays and bloods at our vets. Some form of inflammatory reaction - no masses, no breaks, no effusions. Just inflammation markers and a bit tender in the abdomen. He might have eaten some stashed mouldy food we found right down the back of a cabinet but there was nothing else that could have caused harm. And why he'd eat that when he had plenty of fresh food and water I can't imagine.

Then we lost an expected little girl. She went to vets for fluids and assessment but felt just age and her known lymphoma/insulonoma. And today two days after that we lost the third of our little old ladies. Bloods and x-rays - she was in advanced kidney failure so fluids and we threw the med book at her. But still lost her. This is partially my fault. I hadn't realised how ill she was but she'd been getting the same routine as the other two old ladies - feeds every 6 hours and a meal and fluids at 2am. My partner tells me and know he is right that if so fragile one missed midnight meal would kill her, then she was on the way out regardless. But she was climbing the cage and cage raging for food.

Thankfully it does not look like we have anything systemic going on - two little old ladies dying of a slow state cancer, one middle-aged lad dying of blast lymphoma, one old lady dying of chronic kidney failure and one baby dying of something inflammatory. We ran tests last time that happened in 2016 and nothing conclusive and we couldn't get him in for post mortem.

But I am terrified of going into our pet's sleeping room. I don't know who will be next or what is happening. So we have lost 5 ferrets - 2 little old ladies of 9.5 with cancer, 1 little old lady of 8.5 with what we know was kidney failure, one middle-aged lad of 5/6 with blast lymphoma and one baby of 2.5 for reasons we can't fathom.