Judgmental comments towards hijabis from non-Muslims

I’ve seen this so many times recently. There will be a video of a hijabi wearing a tight dress or something else that appears contradictory to her faith, and you’ll see comments like “as a Christian, astughfirulla” “as an atheist astughfirulla”. Like what? You’re not even the same religion, or you don’t even believe in religion and you’re trying to shame a woman for practicing her faith in her own way?

I came from Muslim culture so I know that hijabis already get so much flack from hypocritical Muslim men, they don’t need it from people who don’t even follow their same faith.

They’ll sooner judge a hijabi for wearing a tight shirt than a Muslim man who’s drinking alcohol and cheating on their wife. It extra pisses me off when atheists say this shit because you would think people who left the toxicity of religion wouldn’t enforce it on other people.