When people making clubbing into something more than it is

It is literally just adults, dancing to music, with their friends. That’s all.

In my real life and some of what I’ve seen in online discourse, clubbing seems to be a controversial thing to so many people. Not everybody who goes clubbing is some crazy alcoholic who is hoeing around with multiple people.

Don’t get me wrong that does exist (and besides the alcoholic part I personally don’t care, adults are allowed to have fun how they want) but that’s just not everyone’s experience. And just because you wanna go clubbing it doesn’t mean you’re some immature wild person.

As I near 30, I hear comments of people saying we’re too old to go clubbing. So we’re too old to have a fun night with our friends? Who doesn’t like dancing? Obviously at 30 you probably wouldn’t be making the same decisions you did when you were 18 or 21 when you go out, but so what? It’s still a fun time especially if your friends are on the same page as you.

I’d argue it’s more enjoyable as you’re older because you have a couple years of experience so you know what to do and what not to do, and you’re less likely to make reckless decisions. It’s also a great way to make some fun memories.

It’s also a bit of a pet peeve when people have to make it a personality trait that they are a homebody and don’t go out clubbing like “those other people”. You can absolutely engage in both lifestyles.